028 9454 8488
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General Data Protection Regulation, Computer Misuse Act and Disability Discrimination Act (Internet)

Where we are asking clients for their personal information on a Contact us page, for example, please include the wording to make it clear the purpose it will be used for – for example:

Before you supply any personal details to us via the contact us page on this website please read our customer privacy notice document (provide link or state location). This notice sets out how we will process your personal data in line with the General Data Protection Regulations. Once you have read the customer privacy notice, please tick to confirm that you have read it and that you agree to Knightsbridge Wealth Management NI Ltd processing your personal information for the purpose of contacting you. We will not use the details you provide us in the contact page to market to you.

You should ensure there is a tick box adjacent to the above wording so the reader has to agree to the above prior to submitting any data through the website. This applies to all contact points throughout the site where personal data may be inputted by the user.

Please tick the box if you are happy to receive details of services and products we can offer in writing, by email, SMS or by phone.